This blog contains book reviews, polls, news about the library or recent books added to the collection, and information about the AOHS Book Club. Anyone is able to comment on posts. Anyone may submit a review to be posted. Please see Ms Crawford for review guidelines.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Such a pretty girl--reviewed by Nallely S.
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Rules of Survival reviewed by Molly Varney

Matthew's rules of survival are 1. Sometimes, the people who mean you harm are the ones who say they love you 2. Fear is your friend. When you feel it, act 3. Protect the little ones 4. If you coped before you can cope now and 5. Always remember: In the end, the survivor gets to tell the story. These are the rules Matthew, Callie, and Emmy have to live by each day. Their mother, Nikki, is crazy they think. She says she loves them then goes and has one of her horrible fits. She'll lock them in their room for hours or dissapear for a couple days. None of them even think about telling someone else. Until one night, when Callie and Matthewsnuck out to get popsicles, they met Murdoch. You wouldn't look twice at him, he was just another man. But when he stood up to a man hurting his son in the store, Matthew felt someting. That was hope. Hope for a future without crazy Nikki, without having to watch what you say and how you say it. Where he could think about talking to girls and not keeping him and his sister out of harms way. Matthew's story begins with meeting a man who gave him hope for a future where he could be normal.
I thought this was a great book. The story was sad and almost scary sometimes but I enjoyed reading it. I liked how it was written, because Matthew was writing it all down after everything had happened and it was really cool. I really liked how all of the characters were portrayed. My favorite character was probably Matthew because he was the oldest and the strongest out of the three siblings. The story was very realistic and it held a very powerful message. It also wasn't very long and took me no time to finish it.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
How to Save a Life reviewed by Kaitlin Kimbrell
The Farther You Run reviewed by Molly Varney

A little over a year ago, Sammie would have been in dance class with her friend Jules. She would have graduated with her and they would have jobs, and boyfriends and would be happy with their lives. Now none of that would happen. Sammie had lost Jules to cancer earlier that year. Without Jules, Sammie didn't have a reason to dance or graduate anymore. Her life seemed worthless and she felt lost without her other half. Since she failed her last year in high school, she had to take summer classes. She wasn't expecting to find a new friend. Mona had problems of her own. She had also failed her last year in high school and had to take summer classes. Her mother was bipolar and she was used to not having friends. Soon enough the two had jobs and had moved in together. Things were going good until the one year anniversary of Jules's death was coming up and things started falling apart all over again. She had to deal with her loss again and try to move on with her new life.
This is the sequel to A Time For Dancing. I thought it was pretty good but I liked the first one better. I thought it was good to have a second book because it told a lot about what happened after Jules died and how it affected her family and Sammie. My favorite part of the whole book was probably the ending. It was one of the sweetest endings I've ever read. Both of the books are sad but are written beautifully and have a very good meaning.
A Time For Dancing reviewed by Molly Varney

Jules and Sammie are best friends. They couldn’t live without each other and have been that way for more than half of their lives. Jules was there for Sammie when her dad left her and they held each other when they cried. They danced together since they were young. They were friends to the end but sometimes the end is closer than we think. The summer before their senior year in high school Jules got very sick and nothing could have prepared sammie or her family for the cause of it-Jules was diagnosed with cancer. As Sammie tried to be there for Jules, she found it harder than she thought, even though they were so close. Throughout the weeks of treatments and doctors, Jules feels like she’s going on this trip by herself even with her friend and family. As the weeks go on Jules and Sammie both face the fact that the cancer may not go away and have to deal with it their own way.