Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Candor -- a review by Molly Varney

Candor by Pam Bachorez  

**** Stars

"In this town, you are what you hear." In Candor Florida, everything is perfect. The Children have perfect grades, the families are happy, and nothing ever goes wrong. However, in a town that's supposedly perfect there is one small problem; Oscar Banks. Oscar is the son of the town's founder. He's the perfect Candor child: perfect grades, class president, and a shining example for the other kids. But for him it's all and act. He pretends to be perfect and even has a girlfiend, Mandi. But he knows about the messeges. He fights them with his own messeges and he runs his own business getting kids out before they are brainwashed. And because he's the perfect child, no one suspects him.

For Oscar, everything is runnung perfectly. His disguise is perfect and his new client, Sherman, is almost ready to leave. He had no worries until a new family moved in. Their daughter, Nia, is able to see right through his act. Oscar is immediantly interested in her resistance to the messeges. Now he must either save her from the messeges by sending her away, or help her learn to resist the messeges completely. Will he risk a trip to the listening room where even the most resistant minds are wiped clean? In the end will he choose to trust the wrong people?

I gave this book a 4 out of 5 stars because at the end it lets you to decide what happens to the characters. I'm not a big fan of those endings but I thought this book was really good. It was interesting and it kept me interested.


Anonymous said...

This sounds good! Maybe I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a good book. Miles Womack

Anonymous said...

Cool :)

Anonymous said...

This book sounds like one that I would read.
Brett Kies

TheBookNurse said...

I like dystopian YA novels, so I might have to read this one! Nice job on the review, Molly.

Ms C.

Eriana Blankinship said...

This sounds like a very interesting book.

Gabriella said...

Sounds really good. Good review!

Gabriella Rizzi said...

Wow very interesting! I will have to read this.:)

Stephanie DeBitetto said...

This sounds like a good book that I'll have to read.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds very good! ill have to read it sometime!!

Anonymous said...

This book sounds really good. Ill have to read it sometime!!

Anonymous said...

this looks interesting

Anonymous said...

this looks interesting

MaryJane said...

this book seems really interesting. molly you gave a great review. i might have to check it out sometime

Anonymous said...

This book looks so good
-Amanda Hull

Anonymous said...

This book looks great.
Amanda Hull

Amanda Hull said...

this book looks great.
Amanda Hull

Anonymous said...

This book sounds awesome! I will have to read it sometime

Isaac Uche said...

looks good

Joe Hollo said...

this really good book!

Anonymous said...

this book looks good. ill have to read it sometime. i like the way you describe the book. good job