Thursday, August 25, 2011

A movie based on this series!

Del Rey Books EIC Betsy Mitchell has acquired the rights to publish graphic novels set in the world of Scott Westerfeld’s bestselling Uglies science fiction novels. The novels, set in a future world in which teens get cosmetic surgery on their sixteenth birthdays, tell the stories of a group of “ugly” teens who attempt to escape the system.
Two black and white graphic novel volumes have been announced. Shay’s Story, in May 2012, will take the point of view of the “best frenemy” of the series heroine; and the sequel, in 2013, will follow up.
Series author Scott Westerfeld and comics veteran Devin Grayson will cowrite. Art is by Steven Cummings (Marvel, DC, Tokyopop).
A live action movie based on the novel series is in development by producer John Davis and the founders of Lola Visual Effects.


Anonymous said...

Sounds very interesting. I might read it for the next book project I do.

Maria Katzer said...

I have been thinking of reading that book for a while. Now I am totally going to read it.

Anonymous said...

I read this book a few years back. This book really made me look at what we have turned into today in our world. "Everyone has to look perfect". I loved the book and I would recommend it to any one.

Afennesy said...

I think this book sounds very interesting and sounds a lot like something I would enjoy reading. I might check this book out next time I am in the library.

Anonymous said...

I think this book looks pretty interesting although i am normally not interested in sci-fi books. I would possibly check it out at a later date however.

Anonymous said...

This book looks pretty intersting. It sounds a little far-fetched to me, but who knows with the ridiculous things people do know-a-days.

Anonymous said...

This book looks like something I would like ot read. It seems like it would have a good meaning about being yourself.

Melissa Lloyd said...

This books looks like something teens can relate to. When I get the chance I might just have to go check it out. Great Job on this review as well.

Anonymous said...

This book looks kind of good. I think after reading the review it might actually be a book I would consider reading.

lmccarville said...

This book seems pretty interesting. I would be interested in reading this at some point this year.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that this book is great. I plan on reading it sometime soon. :)

~Maggie Devero

Anonymous said...

This book is probably my favorite one out of the entire series. It's a good read.

Anonymous said...

This book looks interesting and fun. I would definently read it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting book I might check it out.

Savannah DuPree said...

Thinking about checking it out.

cmckinney1 said...

This book looks really great.I might check it out, or I might not, you never really know.