Monday, August 31, 2015

Saint Anything-- Reviewed by Hailey Hinrichs

“There is no shame in trying to make things work, is how I see it. It’s better than just accepting the broken.”

                Quiet and submissive, Sidney has always lived in the shadows of her older brother, Peyton. Her brother seemed to always be the center of attention in her family. His outgoing presence always attracted many people. Lately, he is the family’s concern. Struggling with drug abuse and hanging out with the wrong crowd, he finds himself in jail after a drunk driving accident that paralyzed a young boy. With her mother and father in denial of Peyton’s jail sentence, Sydney is left alone. She also begins feeling the need to apologize to the young boy her brother hit because her family can’t seem to come to terms with the truth that her brother did something very wrong. When she meets Layla and Mac and the rest of the Catham family, she begins to feel less invisible. This close-knit family takes Sydney in as their own and shows her kindness and makes her feel like she is finally seen at last.

                I really enjoyed this book so I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. In the beginning it was a little slow but if you read the book do not get discouraged! It begins to pick up and it reels you in more and more as the story progresses. I thought that the characters were vividly created. I think Dessen has a good understanding of how someone would feel in this type of situation. I really enjoyed the character developments throughout the book. I would recommend this book to other teens. It isn’t a slow read once you get further into the book and it has enough things going on throughout the book to keep you wondering and makes you want to read even more.      

Daughter of Deep Silence -- Reviewed by Sarah Roberts

                              Imagine seeing your family killed before your very own eyes while on a family vacation. Frances Mace sees her parents shot before her very own eyes while vacationing on a boat known as the Persephone. This is the story about how Frances seeks revenge on the man who covered up the truth about what really happened to the Persephone and its passengers that fateful night. But when something happens that causes Frances to make a choice between love or revenge, which will she choose? Come and ride the waves with Frances on the journey to a successful revenge along with finding the truth behind the lies and deceit of Senator Wells.

                                I gave this book four and half stars out of five because although this book was well written and had a very well written plot line, I would have liked to have seen more of the other characters and their points of view. Especially Shepherd's and Grey's.  This book was definitely original and the storyline had great depth to it. You really got to know Frances and experience the inner battles within herself. I enjoyed how she tried to keep herself from showing emotions but you got to see what really was going on in the inside. I would definitely read this book again if given the choice. Frances was forced to grow up but you also saw that she was just a girl on the inside who felt hurt and out of control. Although Frances did not show it you could see the agony she was really in due to the traumatic experience the happened before her eyes. I would recommend this to my friends and family members because it unlike anything you have ever read before.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Year -- New Books

The following books will soon be available in your AOHS Library so stop by and check one out!

  •   What We Saw by Aaron Hartzler

All We Have Is Now

 Enjoy! Let me know if there is something you really want to read and I will try to find it for you.
Ms C.