Friday, February 26, 2010

Johanna Kelly's Book Review

The Deep End

Chris Crutcher
4.5 stars

Therapist Wilson Corder loves his family more than anyone. However, he takes care of his patients more than his family. Wilson Corder is a therapist of both children and adults. Everything is great, until a little girl goes missing, the sister of one of his patients. A lot of mysteries unfold in the deep end. It is the perfect suspense novel.

This is a wonderful thriller. Chris Crutcher is the best at reaching out to the reader, and making them feel what the characters feel. I gave The Deep End 4.5 stars because it took me so long to read it, it’s harder to understand than Crutcher’s other books. Also, the main character is in his forties, and I’m not. I couldn’t identify with the characters as much as other books. However I thoroughly enjoyed every page.


TheBookNurse said...

I wish two things after we had the opportunity to meet with Chris Crutcher this week:
1) That we'd asked him about Hey Soos and
2) That we had gotten his email address and permission to write him!

Another great review. You definitely are the OHS Crutcher resident expert!

Jo Burdett said...

I dunno Johanna..I dont think you sold me this one. Not one I'm gonna put on my list. But I do agree with Ms. C! you are the resident expert on Crutcher.

Ana Stock said...

You must really like Chris Crutcher! It appears that all of his stories tie into a therapist or a person who needs therapy/receives therapy. He has mastered the art of connecting with his characters!

Johanna said...

I do love his books. Also, emailing him is really cool-I can't believe I met my favorite author!

Bryce F. said...

This sounds like a book where you have to really think about to understand the mystery. I like suspense in a mystery so this sounds like a interesting book to me.

Johanna said...

Bryce, you should definitley read it! I need people to discuss Crutcher with!

Since you are into sports books, I encourage you to check out some of him.