by Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman
Cathy Vickers is back, and now she's trying to disappear. After finding three dead bodies under her window one morning, Cathy realizes that someone's after her. She decides it's best thaty she just disappear instead letting her family or friends get hurt. Unfortunately, fate has other plans for her. The unfolding mystery has Cathy finding allies in former enemies and following a path to self-discovery.
What I really enjoyed about this series was how much effort the authors put in to not make it seem like your typical paranormal romance. There's a lot of other stuff going on, the romance just happens to be the trigger for it. The series also realistically (as one can get in paranormal fiction) explores how people feel being the side characters in somenone else's story. Cathy's tendency to make everything about herself is a noted character flaw. That being said, this book could have been a lot better. The ending was very cliche and anticlimactic because everyhting comes together far too nicely. Still, I'd reccomend this series.
Sounds like the first ones (there are ones before this one, right?) are much more interesting
I thought the series was unique because of the clue bag and the fact that the phone numbers and web sites are active and the reader can access them and actually use the info while reading the book. What did you think about that, Hope?
I don't think I could ever get into this.. really doesn't sound too appealing..
I tried reading this series, but couldn't get into it.
Yeah it doesnt really sound like my kind of book
Couldn't really get into this series
I thought this series was good. I liked that you could call the numbers and that there were things inside of the book so that you could follow along with the story.
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