Friday, March 6, 2009

Fade by Lisa McMann

**** stars

Catch a dream...

I received the second in the series to review, but I'm really one of those who has to read any previous books in a series and read them in order. I don't think I would have had as good of an understanding of all that transpired in Fade if I had not read Wake first. It's important to get the background to really get into the second book and to understand the characters. I don't think Fade can stand on its own. I understand that these are two books of a planned trilogy and I must say that I'm looking forward to the third installment.

The premise of the story - a teen girl has the gift and the curse of being able to "catch" other peoples' dreams. Since people can fall asleep anytime, anywhere - the "catch" can sometimes occur unexpectedly and completely takes over Janie's body and mind. It can even happen while she is driving. When she "catches" a dream, she goes into an unconscious state and she can't control it or resist. As time goes by, she hopes to learn to control the dreams and also to effect changes in the dreams of others that she is forced to witness.

In this novel, Janie has been hired by the local police department to work uncover at Fieldridge High School investigating allegations of impropriety between male teachers and female students - including an accusation of date rape. She has some suspicions about particular teachers and is investigating them, along with her boyfriend Cabel. In addition, she has a mentor, Miss Stubin - another dream catcher - who, though no longer living, gives her some good advice through notes and files, and a special green book, in which details about the condition were recorded.

I think most teens would enjoy this novel. The concept is fresh, and the main characters are interesting and believable. I recommend it.


Chance N said...

WEIRD sounding book. Probably interesting once you get into it but im not sure i would want to. Might be tough to emithize with a girl who is falling alseep everywhere and reading dreams of strangers

Anonymous said...

Very fast moving book just like the first. I checked it out of the library this morning and at 11:30 pm finished it. The writing style reminds me a little of Hemingways in that things are said short and to the point. This book ranges through all sorts of emotions, from fear, anger, betrayal, love, and dearest friendships. I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to people who have a hard time getting into books because this one starts and ends with action. You don't get lost and you won't get bored.