Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Always Watching by Brandilyn Collins

3.0 out of 5 stars Ridiculous attempt at a thriller insults the YA audience...,

I have to ask the other reviewers who rated this book so highly -- what were YOU reading? It can't have been this superficially sketched attempt at a thriller that I just put down? There was no suspense. The heroine, Shaley (?) annoyed me as did the name of the band: Rayne. And the attempt at a Christian theme? Preposterous.

The story was bare bones and totally predictable -- it defied credulity and really annoyed me. The daughter of the 30s something "rock star" was supposedly some femme fatale that all these older men (pedophiles?) were in love with? Who were "always watching" over her? Come on! There were so many irritating parts in this book! I don't for one minute think that the authors have any idea what being in a popular rock band is like nor the way that a 16-year-old girl on tour with her mom would be acting. From the shopping spree to watching a suspect interrogation at the police station? And the body count -- ugh! And her loss of appetite for days? I am not even in the least impressed and, now that I think of all this, I ask, "Who would pay $10.00 for such a skimpy book?"

But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe some teens out there would find this scintillating stuff? I'd like to hear from them. I flat out was not impressed with this book. I am going to put it to the test of teens I know and if they like it, believe me, I will post an update. I won't be looking for the second in this series.

Too scathing? Sorry -- this was a waste of my time. Fortunately it was really short so my torture wasn't long-lived. Skip it.

Ms C


Johanna said...

It was short? I'll read it! I'll see if I like it and review it.

Jo Burdett said...

I disagree with Johanna. I will not read this book, and it doesnt sound to excellent.

Ana Stock said...

Yeikes! This book must have been pretty upsetting. Where does Christianity fall into the story, because upon reading the review I didn't even see a loophole where it would fit in! I have to agree the older men looking over her had to have been pedophiles...CREEPY! I am going to have to pass.