Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Passenger ~ Reviewed by Elizabeth Barnes

"It's always good to go home."

The Passenger

Image result for 4 out of 5 stars

Frank Dubois is lying dead at the foot of the stairs, and his wife Tanya is weighing her options: should she call the police, get rid of the body, or run away? Since she has already been running from the law for the last decade, she decides to leave, assumes a new identity and drives South without looking back. As she travels across the U.S. she meets Blue, another woman trying to escape from her past. They decide to help each other to get brand new lives. However, nothing goes according to plan, especially as two thugs show up to kill Tanya. But what made her run in the first place? Will she be able to put the past behind her for good?

The Passenger is a fast-paced psychological thriller that deals with problems of identity and loneliness. On her road trip, Tanya assumes different names, and her values shift when the situations becomes more desperate, bringing her to do things she would never have dreamed of doing before. In fact, I thought it was really interesting to see how she tries to live off the grid, as this appears to be more and more difficult because of her age and the time period we are currently living in. While I thought the big reveal at the end was surprising, I felt there were some loose ends when the book ended. I thought that Blue was an intriguing character, and I would have liked to have known more about her. Perhaps a sequel could tell her story? I hope so!

I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

Special thanks to my family for the copy of this book for Christmas. I enjoyed how fast of a pace it was to read.

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