Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Pretty Fierce ~ Reviewed by Elizabeth Barnes

"My mother had once told me you couldn't trust people who came into your life at the exact moment you needed them."

Pretty Fierce

Image result for 3.5 out of 5 stars

Eighteen months ago, while on a mission with her parents, Kaia and her mother were attacked. Her family was destroyed, her parents were both missing presumed dead, and Kaia put into action the plan that was only to be used if everything went terribly wrong. For the past eighteen months, Kaia has been living with her 'grandparents', colleagues of her assassin parents. She has the most wonderful boyfriend, Oliver, and she is no longer endlessly plagued by nightmares. But all of those fears resurface when she is brutally attacked and Oliver sees her take out her assailant. Now her secrets have been revealed and she isn't sure Oliver will want to stick by the crazy girl who was raised by assassins.

As Kaia discovers more about her family and their secrets, she also learns about the secrets Oliver has been hiding from her. Together they face assassins, sometimes in the strangest forms. At times the story was a little unrealistic, but its balance between playfulness and threat makes this an interesting book to read.

It did take me a few chapters to situate myself within the story, but the action eventually grabbed my attention. "Pretty Fierce" is a thrilling story, with plenty of action and drama.

I give this book a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy!

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