Friday, January 23, 2009

Chance Norton's Book Review

by Stephine Meyer

3 of 5 stars

This book was most definitely written for girls and not most guys. Twilight has potential to be a very good thriller, or horror, or even action book but that was simply not the intention of the author. It has several instances during the novel when you can tell that the book was written by a woman and not a man such as fight scenes and any other action sequence. There is just no action in it. Sure there technically is, but had this book been written by a male author then it would have had a description of the fights or one of the many times Edward saves Bella from being… for lack of a better word, dumb.

However even I can see that if the book had been written this way it would have lost almost all of its appeal for the teenage girls who love it so much. There seems to be a lot of the thought process that girls go though in this book and most girls would not appreciate a detailed description of a fight between two crazed vampires. They might enjoy a description of Edward being manly but just a description of a fight… not so much.

Overall this is an okay book if you can forget the fact that the main character, Bella Swan, will just annoy and irritate you for the entire novel. If you can ignore her for the most part and focus on that it is a book about vampires fighting each other than you can get through it. But, I am a guy so I will obviosly be disagreed with by almost every single girl that ever lived.


TheBookNurse said...

You know what I think about Bella! Book Club this month will be quite interesting. Great reivew and enjoyed the male perspective.

Anonymous said...

Chance I agree that Bella is annoying but I love the book and its series. I enjoyed your review I found it pretty funny. Aren't you excited for Book Club?


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Chance about Twilight. I could not get through the first 100 pages! It was so boring, and Bella is extremely annoying. I think the movie was way better than the book. I just don't see the obsession that many girls have with this book.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this book! I thinking that the fightin wasn't an important factor in the storyline and Bella wast annoying. Bella was a girl who actually made sense and Edward was a boy, who happened to be vampire, who loved Bella. I think this book deserves at LEAST four out of fe stars, if not 5.

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to say I once loved this book and this story.