Thursday, April 29, 2010

Johanna Kelly's Book Review


by Lisa McMann


You are falling—not just into another dream, but into the mysteries that surround your life.

Your life is also falling apart. Catching dreams takes a toll on your body. Your hands will be gnarled and crippled by the time you are thirty, and you will be blind in your twenties. Janie’s eyesight is failing, and she sees differences in her hands. She has to face a big dilemma—should she stay a dream catcher, or should she live alone, in isolation?

This is the final book in the WAKE trilogy. This is honestly the first series that I have finished. This should not be the last book. Usually I get tired of series before finishing them, but it seems like McMann ended the series too quickly. This book is thin, it is a fast read. It’s really not enough for me. I would like to see if you agree with me! Check out GONE today!


Jo Burdett said...

I'll have to check it out from my local library. Seems to be pretty good.

Ana Stock said...

This book sounds sad, but at the same time inticing for some reason. I might have to try it this summer!

Johanna said...

This series is amazing! First series I've ever finished!

Amy Lyon said...

Sounds intriguing, but I prefer to read a series in order. What are the first two titles?

TheBookNurse said...

Wake and then Fade...

Aspen Gates said...

This series was amazing I would definately recommend this book to everyone I know.

Johanna Kelly said...

I wouldn't say amazing but it definitley kept my attention!