Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Online chat about Testimony...

I know that some of you are finished with Testimony and have a lot to say.

This is a novel about choices -- good choices and bad choices -- and how those choices altered many lives.

In this unusual novel written in all three narrative styles and from many different points of view, we see how those choices played out in this particular case.

Please share your thoughts and start the discussion here.

Ms C.


Johanna said...

Choices. This book is full of choices. One choice leads to another, and another. The statutory rape was just one bad choice. It just so happend that the author chose a controversal sexual issue as scandal and choice. In Vermont, the crime for having sex with a minor is sexual assault. When we think of sexual assault we think of non-consentual sex acts--rape. Does anyone believe that Sienna was truly raped? I think she made a bad choice, and since there was a video, she played all innocent to her parents and teachers. The general way she was acting was a big sign that she almost knew this would happen--this, however is no excuse for what the boys did. Punisment is neccesary in cases of statutory rape, whether its a fifty year-old with a twelve year-old or a senior with a freshman. I believe these cases should be punished accordingly. So, was Sienna at fault? Was every character at fault? Was anyone to blame for the horrible consequences that followed?

Johanna said...

Does anyone believe that Sienna was truly raped? I have many thoughts on this. There was no excuse for what the boys did, but do you think they were rightly charged with sexual assult? I think a lesser charge would be more appropriate.

Stella said...

I don't think that Sienna was truly raped. I think that maybe a sexual harrassment charge would have been more appropriate. I don't think what the boys did was right but by the way that she acted... drinking all the time, flirting, dressing how she did, and going after the older guys did put her at risk. The boys should have been stong enough to say no but they were all beyond smashed so I don't think that they should have been charged with sexual assult.

Bryce F. said...

i think this would be a intriguing to read for all points of view.