Monday, November 29, 2010

Queen of Second Place---- a review by Amy Lyon

Queen of Second Place
by Laura Peyton Roberts


Cassie Howard has this theory on talent. Everyone has a talent, but not all talents are created equal. When most people think of talent, they think singing, dancing, athleticism, etc. Not all people are fortunate enough to have a glory talent, like Quinn, who can go to a packed concert ten minutes late and still manage to get a parking spot in the front row. Or like Cassie, who has the unfortunate talent of always coming in second, usually to Sterling Carter.

But this time, Cassie is coming in first place, or that's what she hopes anyway. Because this time, a date with the hot new guy, Kevin Matthews, is on the line. Everything is working out perfectly, until Cassie bets Sterling that she- Cassie, Queen of Second Place- will get Kevin to ask her to the winter formal. If only she hadn't opened her big mouth, because now Sterling is stealing the show.

Will Cassie get her dream date, or will she yet again come in second? And if that happens, can Cassie use her talent for a second chance? Or simply melt at Sterling's feet in humiliation?

Queen of Second Place is a fun novel about the quirkiness in all of us. While I enjoyed the surprising twists and turns of this novel, I was disappointed that it seemed to run along the same lines as most high school love stories. Although, the characters and their dilemmas had me almost hysterical, and the plot was a new twist on an old idea. At times, the background seemed to waste too much time, and it got a little too cheesy and cutesy. Overall, I liked the novel and its characters, but I'm not sure I'd check out more books by this author.

But anyone is welcome to persuade me otherwise.


TheBookNurse said...

I'm glad someone finally read this and maybe others will consider it after reading your review!

Bryce Foster said...

this doesn't seem to catch my interest.. a girl trying to become first after coming in second doesnt sound that thrilling. i could be wrong but i would have to start reading into this book a little more.. then maybe i would consider opening it. Probably just because im a guy and i have different interest is why i dont think it would be a great read.

Amy Lyon said...

Well, I did add a challenge, I wonder if anyone will go for it....

Aspen Gates said...

I might just take you up on that challenge Amy.

Amy Lyon said...

Go right ahead. I dare you.

Ian Zig. said...

This, I'm sad to say, really doesn't catch my attention at all. It just seems too mainstream and completely not my type. And its about a girl who dreams about beating someone else... BORING!... Just saying

Hope Austin said...

I'm normally a fan of uber-girly books, but nothing about this book is particularly eye-catching.