Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wintergirls- Review by Aspen Gates


Laurie Halse Anderson

*** stars

Wintergirls is about this girl named Lia who's life used to be about losing weight at all costs with her best friend Cassie. However, things change when the two girls get in a car accident and wind up in the hospital becasue Lia was so skinny she passed out at the wheel. Now Carrie blames everything on Lia and how she is such a bad influence and Lia can't believe this when it's clear that it's the other way around. Carrie is the bad influence so Lia completely ignores Carrie from now on, and doesn't answer any of her calls for the next couple of days. Then one morning Lia catches the news saying they found Carrie's body in a hotel room, and all Lia can think about is not answer Carrie's phone call last night, or listening to her voicemails. While stuck with this feeling of guilt, Lia has another problem. She can't stop telling herself that she should lose more weight. Every time she eats food calorie numbers start popping in her head and she will just stop eating it or spit it out when no one is looking. Can Lia ever forgive herself for not taking the chance to save her friend Carrie and to stop being anorexic? Read the book which is in the O'Hara library and find out.

I personally did not like Wintergirls because at first I thought the book was about Lia trying to get over the fact that she could have saved her friend from committing suicide, but then it changes to her getting over her sickness of becoming anorexic. It was just very confusing and a little bit predictable in some areas as to what the possible outcome of her decision making would be. I gave this three stars because it felt like Laurie Halse Anderson was trying to write a story that went a completely different rought.


TheBookNurse said...

I haven't read this one but I think I need to do so!

Hope Austin said...

I wasn't really feeling this one. I think Laurie Halse Anderson can do better.

Anonymous said...

I thought this book was very slow and uneventful. It wasn't my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I've read other books by this author and I liked the a lot. They were on very different topics, and it seemed that even though the same author was writing the stories, they were all SO DIFFERENT. I know our library has a great collection of them, so I hope I can read this eventually.