Monday, October 25, 2010

Nightlight: A Parody -- a review by Sara Downs


by Harvard Lampoon

** stars

Belle Goose has moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Switchblade, Oregon. She is quirky, full of herself, and just plain weird. At her new school Belle meets the mysterious Edwart Mullen. He is dark, secretive, and the school super nerd. However, there is one secret that is connecting the two of them, Edwart is a vampire...maybe. Before she knows it, Belle has fallen head over heals for this possible vampire. Edwart does not know what to do with this weird girl who keeps referring to him as her sexy vampire boyfriend. Are these two destined to be together? Or will the other vampire Josh keep Belle from Edwart?

This book only gets two stars for many reasons. Nightlight is cleverly written as a parody to the novel Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. It is a romantic comedy that lacks certain emotional depth. Obvious jokes are made about the names, sparkling vampires, and a teen romance that occurs over night. However, many of the jokes are ones only the readers of Twilight would understand. Those who have never read the actual series first would not get how funny the book really is. This is not a deep novel. The story line isn't very clear and a lot of the time I was trying to make sense of what was going on. There is no emotion in the writers words and sometimes it just doesn't make sense. I wouldn't recommend this novel as a serious read. However, if you're looking for a light read that lacks emotional depth, this is the book to read.

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